The Sunshine Blogger Awards 2016

Apparently a  good friend of mine, Amel // Marry The Fiction, had nominated me on the Sunshine Blogger Awards 2016. It’s truly been an honour for me because at least I know RDGSNDRM has someone giving his/her honest attention to our development, especially when the post I’ve update is less than the number of your fingers in your hands.

From what I know, the Sunshine Blogger Award’s main purpose is to give appreciations to the nominees as their blogs is truly inspirational to us, just like the sunshine in the morning.

Funnily enough, Amel is a friend I met online on facebook years ago and still befriend till date. We’ve only met once to be honest! But yet she is truly inspiring especially when we talk about movies. She is renown as one of the best movie reviewer from Yogyakarta. When you need to know how good a movie is, Marry the Fiction is a can’t-go-wrong place to find a solid movie reviews!

Now let me put the main rules of this award here:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Thank the person who nominated you. (thank you Amel!)
  3. Answer the 11 questions they set you.
  4. Pick another 11 bloggers. (and let them know they are nominated)
  5. Set them 11 questions.

So, here’s my answer to the questions set by Amel // Marry the Fiction:

1. What is the last movie you have watched?

Train to Busan.

2. Based on the answer #1, tell me the reason why you choose to watch that movie?

I’m having a little reunion with my friends from highschool. 2 of us (4) were already watched “Lights Out” and apparently want to watch another thriller movie so I suggest to give “Train to Busan” a try. We watched it with no expectation and then left very content with the story. A really good movies you must watch for your weekend!

Read also:

A Thrilling Trip with “Train to Busan”

3 Reasons Why You Should Watch “Tiga Dara”

3. Talking about awards, choose one: to watch The Academy/Oscars or Grammy?

To be honest, Grammy.

4. Give me your “Top 5” actors and/or actresses!

Robert Downey Jr., Daniel Craig, Idris Elba, Scarlett Johansson, Michael J. Fox.

5. Make a playlist of songs you listen when you are heartbroken!

Stuck on the Puzzle – Alex Turner

This Boy – The Beatles

Why Did You Have to Go – Elephant Kind

Decorate – Yuna

Exogenesis, Symphony Part: 3 – Muse

6. What is the last book you’ve read? Any kind of book works.

The Big Pang Theory: Talking Nonsense About Football

7. Based on the answer #6, choose one sentence from the book that really grabs your attention/interesting!

“Seperti matahari yang selalu datang di awal hari meski ia tahu bahwa senja akan merenggutnya,…..”

8. If you could travel around the world, name a place you want to visit!

Santorini, Greece. (courtesy:

9. Which one would you choose: the ability to go back to 5 years ago, or go forward to your future 5 years later?

While it’s fun to know how’s life are going in the future, I prefer going back to 5 years ago to fix the messes I’ve made and do everything I’ve afraid done that time. Going to the future won’t change a thing, not in the past nor the future (of “the future”). I recommend you guys to watch “Back to the Future Part 1-3” to really understand what I mean.

10. Post your inspirational quote(s) you got from any movie!

From Pacific Rim (2013).

Not today, God. (courtesy:

11. Last, watching a movie via streaming or download/torrent? (Ignore the speed of your internet connection)

Torrent always do the thing. I can’t resist waiting so long for buffering to watch the low-res quality film.

Now, let’s have some more fun from our next nominees…

Leaving another 9 spots since I’m still a rookie in this so-called “Blogathon” movement (does the term “Blogwalking” still be used in 2016?).

The 11 questions are as follows:

  1. Which one do you prefer: DCEU/MCU?
  2. If you could be one of the superheroes from the answer #1, who would it be?
  3. What’s the last movie you watched, and was it any good?
  4. Share the songs that should belong in your “2 in the morning” playlist!
  5. What is the best concert you’ve ever attended so far?
  6. What’s the last thing you did for the first time?
  7. Your favourite guilty pleasure habit?
  8. If you could turn back time, what would you do differently?
  9. What would you ask if you could meet the President and be allowed to ask a question?
  10. Share your favourite poet at the moment!
  11. If you were a city, any city in this world, what would you be and why?

You can nominate other bloggers by passing it to them – I’m really thanking you for that, or just answer these questions on my comment section. But it’s better to pass it on, believe me..

Good luck!

2 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Awards 2016

  1. Didiiit,

    Thanks a lot for writing the award I nominated for you. Gue ntar denger deh playlist patah hati buatan lo. Interesting choice of actors and actresses. Cuma menurut gue, karakter RDJ di film udah ngga sevariasi film-filmnya yg dulu ngga sih? To be exact, sebelum main di Iron Man.

    Oh and by the way, gue udah torrent film Back to the Future 1-3 looh.. tinggal menyisakan waktu dan mood buat nonton ahaha.

    I know you’ve been busy with college stuff, so I really appreciated that you’re willing to spend some time to answers my questions!

    Anticipating your next post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Amel!

      For some, those songs maybe not depressing enough for such a heartbroken. But for me, some may have a sentimental reason beneath it :p

      Gue baru mengikutinya sejak meranin Sherlock Holmes dan Tony Stark sampe sekarang ini dan gue suka ama aktingnya (dan karakternya juga sih). That favourite actors/actresses list could be bias especially for RDJ and ScarJo since I like MCU, pengen masukin yg lain tapi disuruhnya cuma 5 sih haha.

      You should watch them, Mel! Walaupun mungkin momennya udah agak telat since today is 2016 and the future in BTTF is 2015, gue pikir buat film yg rilis di tahun 85’an kaya gitu udah bagus banget dan masih bisa relevan sampai zaman sekarang kok (atau sampai teknologinya udah tercapai).

      Sorry to keep you waiting, it was a pleasure to receive such nomination! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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